Builds by Livicry

Alteration of Determined Champion 1145029.10.2018
Attempted hollow projection sl 150150005.12.2018
Attempted projection alt125005.12.2018
Attempted projection for a hollow build for someon125005.12.201805.12.2018
Basic Pontiff Knight Scythe63029.10.2018
Crystal Melee sl 120120006.12.2018
Current status of mage35027.02.201927.02.2019
Determined Champion145029.10.2018
Dex/quality build? (Assassin start)120012.03.2019
Environmental hazard120005.02.2019
Here you go then125020.03.2019
High impact stupid125011.04.2019
Higher level prototype for auxiliary build150003.12.2018
Higher level prototype shenanigans185006.11.201806.11.2018
Hypothetical Melee Mage120028.11.2018
I THINK this is what was gone with99010.04.2019
Inefficiency at its finest120001.02.2019
Knight breaker60023.04.2019
Lothric Guard120031.10.201831.10.2018
Lothric's pet havel monster133008.02.2019
Pontiff Knight Scythe SL 80 variant80029.10.2018
Projection for auxiliary build120003.12.2018
Projection of plank shield man (sl 135)135007.11.2018
Prototype For Tomfoolery125001.11.201801.11.2018
Secondary projection for auxiliary120003.12.2018
Sl 150, 70 luck projection150005.12.2018
Supporter Build120031.10.2018
The old 105 build105023.04.2019
Visions of Ouch190014.11.2018