Builds by Eduardo

50 Faith 18 STR - Axe Setup150005.09.2024
50 Faith 18 STR - Lance Setup150005.09.2024
Alonne the Impaler150010.11.2022
Auros Lancer200006.07.2021
Aurous Dexterity Build100004.07.2023
Aurous Lancer 100100007.07.2023
Aurous Spearman150006.02.2023
Bernhardt Lancer99009.02.2023
Blacksteel 100100014.02.2023
Blacksteel Madwarrior 100100014.02.2023
Chaos Blade / Partizan Power Stance Cfg.2150118.10.2020
Early to Mid Game Dark Weapon Build100023.02.2023
Estoc / Drakeblood150024.12.2021
Estoc / Duelist150024.12.2021
Light Strength Build150003.03.202304.03.2023
Llewellyn Faith 150150008.07.2023
One-handed spear100007.07.2023
Quality Knight150118.04.2021
Quality Knight (Drakeblood)150005.08.2021