Builds by SmuJB

(almost) everything RoBFlynn build template 155155025.10.202225.10.2022
base reqs longsword template155126.01.2023
Blue Flame/RSS build155001.11.202201.11.2022
DSS Shield Crossbow155010.05.202410.05.2024
IKUGS + Fume Sword [optimal Flynn]155031.05.202329.02.2024
IKUGS 82 poise no Giant's fashion [no Flynn]155027.04.202328.04.2023
IKUGS but I'm tired and deranged [no Flynn]155025.04.202327.04.2023
IKUGS cowwitch [no Flynn]155027.04.202328.04.2023
IKUGS cowwitch [no Flynn] (vessel shield)155027.04.202328.04.2023
IKUGS mage155114.05.202313.07.2024
IKUGS Mage with poise155013.07.202415.07.2024
IKUGS off dagger155029.05.202413.07.2024
IKUGS turtle (no poise) [optimal Flynn]155026.04.202327.04.2023
IKUGS with fashion and 81 poise [suboptimal Flynn]155019.04.202327.04.2023
IKUGS with fashion [optimal Flynn]156022.01.202328.04.2023
Iron King Hammer + Axe build155009.06.202409.06.2024
Max (reasonable) HP at 155155010.12.202210.12.2022
Offhand 2h IKUGS155015.07.2024
Rampart Golem Lance SL155 (fashion)155011.11.202211.11.2022
Rampart Golem Shield/Lance Turtle sl155155004.12.202204.12.2022
Scythe of Want sl155155026.06.202226.04.2023
sl155 drakekeeper warpick (armour wip)155031.01.2023
SL155 Sanctum Shield arena build155104.11.202121.11.2022
SL155 Warped turtle/petablock build155020.11.202226.11.2022
sl200 ikugs because it's funny200017.05.2023
Smelter Sword Build [WIP]155005.03.202405.03.2024